Represent roof thicknesses

ADVANCED - Roof covering thickness, cladding, integration of roof windows, dormers, and ridges: understanding the management of different roof thicknesses.

Understand and Manage Roof Thickness

24-3 Roof thicknessesIn the 'Roof' step, when a roof is selected (left-click), it's possible in the right column, under 'Roof Settings', to manage two different thicknesses:

  • 'Thickness': This value represents the thickness of the roof covering (visible outer part of your roof)
    - It can be adjusted from 2" to 5".
  • 'Finished Roof Thickness': This value represents the thickness of the roof covering + the roof cladding (interior), especially to represent insulation in the converted spaces of your attic
    - It can be adjusted from 5 1/2" to 3'-4 1/2".


On your cross-sections, two different thicknesses will be graphically represented: the thickness of the roof covering (value of external covering thickness, here 4") and the thickness of the cladding (finished roof thickness - covering thickness, here 11" - 4" cm).

4-23 Roof plan 4-23 roof dimensions

4-23 Annex area❗Note that a room placed as an 'annex area' will not represent the 'cladding' part of the roof.4-23 annex room

Integrate and Manage Roof Windows

In the 'Opening' step, you will find a category dedicated to roof windows and skylights (see tutorial on inserting openings). 4-23 Roof window catalog

4-23 Window settings1 - Click on the opening positioned on your roof

2 - Go to the settings of the opening to the right

3 - In the 'Trim' section, select the type of trim to apply: 'Hybrid' (default choice) / 'Classic' / 'Optimal'

4-23 Hybride

Hybrid Visual Rendering

4-23 Classique

Classic Visual Rendering

4-23 Optimal

Optimal Visual Rendering

The roof windows and their cladding type will appear on the cross-sections and will be adapted to the finished thickness of your roofs. Roof Window Cross-Section Representation

4-23 Représentation velux plan de coupe
(here, example representation of a roof window with 'hybrid' trim)

Integrate and Manage a Wall or Roof Dormer

1 - Select and integrate your dormers on your walls or roof (from the 'Roof' step)

2 - Possibly modify the existing opening of your dormers (from the 'Opening' step)

3 - Go to the 'Layout' step and select the 'Partition wall' tool

4 - Draw your knee walls

5 - Thanks to the active magnetism on the dormers, move your partitions (holding left-click) to adapt their positioning:

  • For a Wall Dormer, draw partitions that will run along its outer edges before reaching its base
  • For a Roof Dormer, draw a partition that will go through it at the level of the opening base

4-23 Manage walls on dormers

💡 Dormers are represented in light orange and transparency to facilitate the handling of partitions in the 'Drawing' step.

4-23 Visuel lucarne  gerbière