What are hidden walls used for?

Level : Easy

Hidden walls are used to delineate spaces without creating walls.

💡 Hidden walls are used to delineate a space without creating walls (to represent an open kitchen, a porch or a reception area).

To draw hidden walls, follow these steps:

1. Go to the 'Layout' step.

2. Select the 'Hidden Wall' tool.

3. Left-click on the grid to start drawing.

4. Each left-click marks a pause in the drawing.

5. Finish drawing by left-clicking on the validation arrow (located at the end of the current partition). The created area has its own size.

6. In the 'Room types' menu, you can name this area and manage its settings independently from others.


7. In the 'Materials' step, it's possible to apply different materials to the wall and floor than the rest of the room.