Create a hopper in few clicks

Level : Intermediate

Use the dedicated tool in the “Opening” step to quickly represent your stairwell.

Select and position the hopper

1. Go to the 'Wall Openings' Step and select the 'Stairwell' tool. This tool will be used to create the void over the living room that is located at the edge of the mezzanine.

❗ You will have as many 'Stairwell' thumbnails as there are levels in the house (for a three-story house, you will have two thumbnails: 'Floor Stairwell' and 'Ceiling Stairwell').

2.  To create the void over the living room, while on the first floor (like in our example), use the floor stairwell.

3. Position your hopper (represented by a green plate) in the desired space and click to confirm its placement. It will be represented by a green rectangle with fine dotted lines.

3-12 pointillés trémie❗To interact with the existing 'Stairwell' tool again, simply click on its dotted representation on the plan.

select a stairwell


Customize your hopper

1. If it is not already selected, click on your hopper on the plan.

2. In the right-hand column, change the parameters of your hopper : length, width, rotation angle.

💡Feel free to align the dotted lines of your hopper with the edges of walls (to cut the baseboards) or outside the walls (to cut the slab between levels).

❗Floor stairwells automatically subtract their area from the room.

3. From the 'Furnishings' step, you can add your stairs (from the dedicated catalog) and/or railings along the edge of your opening (from the 'Building > Security > Railings' catalog).

Modify the dimensions of a stairwell

Special Case: L-Shaped hopper

When you need to customize the shape of your hopper, you can assemble multiple 'stairwells'.

1. After positioning the first stairwell, click on the stairwell thumbnail again from the dedicated menu.

2. Position your new hopper 'plate' on your plan and adjust its dimensions if necessary.

3. Adjust the positions of both hoppers to represent the desired hole in the slab.

❗On the plan, the combined hopper will be represented by a single dotted line.


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